Greatest Hits: Essentials of Hiring and Managing Capture Managers

Expert capture managers can add value to your process and increase your ability to land the contract. But not every capture manager is created equal. So how do you find someone that is the right fit for your business? And once they’re in your door, how do you ensure they’re doing their best work for you?

This week, we’re walking back down memory lane to ensure you have the insights you need to hire the right team and manage them once they’re working for you.

4 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Capture Manager

Talented capture managers can bring valuable processes to the table and can modify your existing business processes appropriately, but it is essential to adopt a multi-faceted assessment approach when recruiting for this position. Here are four questions you should be asking during the hiring process if you want to bring on the best capture manager for your organization.


The 5 Essential Habits of Highly Effective Capture Managers

Take a look at the habits of successful leaders in your industry or your company’s area of expertise. By cultivating these same habits or by looking for them in your employees and consultants, you can identify employees most likely to lead your business through a successful capture management strategy. Everyday, regular tasks become habits because they are recognizably and predictably essential for success, and you should always stock up your company’s cupboard with everything you need to improve your capture success rate.


Top 5 Questions Your Capture Manager Should Ask the Government

Let’s say you’ve successfully tackled the significant hurdle of getting in front of the Government customer. Now what? At that moment you move from elation to dread… albeit, short-lived, hopefully. Relax, this is the easy part, and addressing these five questions can help any Capture Manager make it even easier.       

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What Do You Do When Your Capture Capture Manager Leaves?

Second only to projecting sales, your capture management tool of choice is a key indicator of your capture management team’s performance and is also what keeps accumulated data about each prospect in one place. Its active monitoring begins the day your Capture Executive (also known as a Capture Manager or Capture Executive Manager) starts work. At that moment you with understand that your capture management team will change over time, and thus you may be faced with extreme difficulties when your capture manager leaves for other opportunities.  


