Your Fiscal Year Government Sales Checklist

❏ Assess Your Capture Management Process

Before you can start planning for new opportunities, you need to know you can manage prospects from the first contact all the way through to the award and beyond. That starts with a long and honest look at your existing capture management process.

❏ Line Up Workers

Your current team can handle your existing capture management needs, but what happens when 30 prospects balloon into more than 100? You’ll need more staff, in a hurry. Until those prospects materialize, and you can accurately assess your needs going forward, it may not make a lot of sense to hire new full-time people.

Plus, you can control costs. If, against all predictions, defense spending remains static, and the budget remains largely the same, you can let the consulting help go without the expense of unemployment.

❏ Integrate Process and Platform with CRM

When you have the right people and the ability to scale your capture management team, you also need the right tools. You’ll want something that does more than just a spreadsheet. As the number of prospects grow, you’ll need a CRM pipeline solution specifically geared toward government contracting.

❏ Develop the Right Partnerships

Now is the time to start looking at partnership opportunities. When your internal process is as ready as you can get it, it’s time to start looking outward. If you don’t have any contracts with the Department of Homeland Security, it might be time to start wooing a company that does for a potential partnership.

The same is true for military contracts or infrastructure. If you pivot your offerings to meet changes in government spending patterns, a partner with an existing relationship with these agencies can be invaluable.

❏ Get Proposal Help

Remember the need for more workers? It’s never more important than when looking at proposal preparation. All the upfront work you do comes down to that final document. If it isn’t perfect, you could miss out on an ideal opportunity. Even if you have enough people to handle the day-to-day capture management tasks, make sure you can also handle the surge in proposals. Have consulting companies lined up with agreements in place so when you do need surge support, you can simply reach out and have immediate support.

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